WILDD Client Testimonials
Follow a few of our clients as they tell you about their WILDD Journey!

“Our child was a typical eleven-year old with a sharp “B.S.” detector for disingenuous adults. She has been tested, put in special classes, tutored, attended summer school—missing out on fun activities—and been frustrated with herself and every adult who offered their help, for about as long as she could remember. She is also embarrassed by all of the extra help she needs in school and really tired of going to extra classes and appointments. I knew it was going to be difficult to get her to commit to the two WILDD classes she would need to attend after school each week. I could make her go, but I couldn’t make her care or pay attention.
But, to my amazement Erv Carpenter, the co-founder of WILDD, engaged her in a meaningful conversation within minutes of our first meeting… He told my daughter that she is smart. When she thanked him, he stated that it was not really meant to be a compliment, but a fact that he had discovered while reviewing her test scores and background information. He then took the time to show her the scores and explain how to read the graph. She felt great—I could see it in every part of her body. She was soon agreeing to attend the classes and now, after seven weeks (yes, just seven weeks so far) of coming twice a week and missing her much-loved after-school program, she has not complained once. She reports that she likes the one-on-one classes, she likes her instructor and she feels that she’s learning. And I have proof that she is. It may not seem like a big deal—but to a parent of a child who struggles with learning disabilities? Well…they’ll get it.”
“I shouldn’t have been surprised when my teenage daughter said she actually preferred the distance program over going to the center as she did when she started. She logs in to WILDD after school, while still at school, allowing her to then go straight from her session to sports or other after-school programming.
Plus I’m not driving her to the Center!”
“Our daughter will always have dyslexia, but with your help, she is learning how to cope with it. We wish you continued success! God’s Blessings!
“I cannot tell you how fortunate we were to have found Erv Carpenter and the Wisconsin Institute for Learning Disabilities/Dyslexia, Inc. They aggressively, comprehensively, and compassionately evaluated and treated her learning disability. She is currently in graduate school and I can say that without their extraordinary input and assistance, she would not be the young woman and student that she now is. I cannot thank them enough for all their help.”
“After fewer than five months with her instructor, Eva says she’s more confident about asking for help in school and is beginning to actually look forward to reading; recently volunteering to read out loud in class. We have also noticed amazing growth in her reading at home…it is Eva’s new-found happiness that truly warms my heart. Thank you WILDD!
“Thank you again for believing that every child should have the opportunity to become a good reader. Your program has been a blessing in our life and one that we never take for granted. I know it is because of this opportunity my daughter can read–is there any greater gift?”
“Needless to say, we now know that WILDD is exactly what Travis needed in his life to excel academically and blossom emotionally. We also know that this program has been worth every penny from our pockets, every mile that we have driven, and every hour that we have given up!! We feel so blessed, thankful, and fortunate to have found such an amazing program!!!”
“Mr. Carpenter changed, if not saved, my life. He uses a multi-sensory phonics based method of teaching which increased my reading level three grade levels in 6 months, and within 18 months I was at grade-level for the first time in my life… He has a real message of hope and just maybe the media surrounding this (Crystal Apple) award will bring others to Mr. Carpenter. Even if it is just one person, it will be one person who will be forever changed and have the doors of opportunity opened. This is a change you can believe in; I am not only planning to attend college after high school, but I believe I CAN.”
“Without a doubt, my pronunciation has improved. Once I learned the correct spellings, it was easier to pronounce the words. My vocabulary has expanded—the total number of words in my vocabulary has improved. My endurance has improved. I can read and study for much longer periods of time. The [CLASS™] system has proven itself to me. I can envision my goals. Now my day is filled with symbols that make letters, that make words, that make sentences that I can understand. Before I could spell, I would just mumble my way through. I can read and understand to a greater degree.”
Maguire is currently a junior in high school and has done a great job using his accommodations to be successful in high school. Recently, Maguire was able to cross a major stepping stone – obtaining his learner’s permit for driving. This spring, all students in our district took the ACT Aspire that predicts how well a student will perform when taking the actual ACT. We were shocked to get his results. His two highest scores were in production of writing (77%) and reading (98%)! In reading, he is predicted to score a 34! Even HE was blown away!
WILDD Instructor Testimonials
Hear first hand from our instructors how WILDD has changed the course of education for their students!

Distance Education Testimonials
Hear from clients and instructors how the distance education program changed they way students interacted with WILDD